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The recipe Making mathematics accessible and more fun, by hearing and feeling graphs. Ingredients - 1 iPad application named SenseMath - 1 audio translation of a graph - 1 3D print of a graph - many mathematics students - 3 external partners; we needed their expert...
EU Funding Programme: Erasmus+ KA201 Project coordinator: Mutualité Francaise Anjou Mayenne (FR) Partners: Centre Régional pour Déficients Visuels (CRDV) (FR), Institut Régional pour Sourds et Aveugles (IRSAM) (FR), Institut Royal pour Sourds et Aveugles (IRSA) (BE), Insti...
EDUCARE is a European staff exchange programme where partner organisations have found a common interest in the theme of behavioural problems in connection with visual impairment. As we experience the number of young people with VI (Visual Impairment) and MDVI (Multi Disabled V...
Health and fitness are interconnected. A person who is fit reduces his or her health risks and experiences a feeling of well-being. Physical fitness is the ability to carry out physical activities and it depends on several factors. Every target group has different components ...
Anyone can test the accessibility of a building or street for partially sighted people. The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (Dutch: TNO) has collaborated with Visio in developing unique software: the Low Vision simulator. It indicates precisely which ...
Making math functions audible Mathematics is not only a mandatory subject for many students, but it is also a very difficult. It is a subject with abstract information, logical reasoning and graphs. The knowledge and skills that are acquired are applied in all kinds of every...
EDUCARE is a European staff exchange programme where partner organisations have found a common interest in the theme of behavioural problems in connection with visual impairment. As we experience the number of young people with VI (Visual Impairment) and MDVI (Multi Disabled V...
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