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The recipe

Making mathematics accessible and more fun, by hearing and feeling graphs.


- 1 iPad application named SenseMath
- 1 audio translation of a graph
- 1 3D print of a graph
- many mathematics students
- 3 external partners; we needed their expertise with the realisation of SenseMath

Method of preparation

After entering a formula in SenseMath an musical translation is made of this formula, after showing the visual presentation of the graph. For analysing more details of the graph a 3D print can be made. When the 3D print is put on the iPad and works together with the auditory graph. Analysing something with more senses is going faster and the student is learning the way he or she prefers.


SenseMath makes mathematics is more accessible and more fun. Therefore, more students succeed in mathematics, which allows more of them to get a job in the labor market.

Contact information

Wendy Voorn, project manager Visio Education