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Large print books

"It seems as if the letters are constantly getting smaller" or "I can no longer read the fine print". Sounds familiar? Do you find yourself reaching for your eyeglasses more frequently? Or sometimes even using a reading magnifier? Then perhaps it is a good time to consider large-print books.

Large-print books help people who can no longer read with ease. The book is printed with extra large fonts, more than twice as large as normal print (18 points).

Where can you find large-print books?

Large-print books are available at public libraries. There are also special publishers who sell large-print books online. If you want to know whether you can indeed read these letters, then go to the example page page where the large fonts are used. You can then find out immediately if this works for you.

Advice about what sort of reading method is best for you

Is reading becoming a problem for you? Visio provides advice and information about the possibilities in the area of reading. In addition to advice about the most suitable reading assistance tools, Visio also provides instructions on how to use other devices such as the Daisy player or the iPad. Visio can also help with learning to read Braille.

Visio in de buurt

About Visio

Visio welcomes anyone with questions about being partially sighted or blind. Visio provides information and advice as well as different services related to research, counselling, rehabilitation, education and living.