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Learning braille

For people with visual disabilities, braille is an irreplaceable script. Braille gives people the possibility to communicate without relying on others.  This writing system was invented by Louis Braille (1809 - 1852), who created an alphabet based on six raised dots. By learning Braille, people with visual disabilities can read and write books.

Where can you find Braille books?

The National Centre for Accessible Reading lends such books to blind and partially sighted people.

Looking for courses, training or advice about Braille?

Is reading becoming a problem for you? Visio provides advice and information about the possibilities in the area of reading. In addition to advice about the most suitable reading assistance tools, Visio also provides instructions on how to use other devices such as the Daisy player or the iPad. Visio can also help with learning to read Braille.

Visio in your area

About Visio

Visio welcomes anyone with questions about being partially sighted or blind. Visio provides information and advice as well as different services related to research, counselling, rehabilitation, education and living.