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Project EDUCARE (closed)

EDUCARE is a European staff exchange programme where partner organisations have found a common interest in the theme of behavioural problems in connection with visual impairment. As we experience the number of young people with VI (Visual Impairment) and MDVI (Multi Disabled Visually Impaired) who develop behavioural problems has been growing and the professionals working in the field of visual impairment are facing challenging situations for which they have not been adequately educated and prepared to cope with. Lack of competences generates new problems and causes stressful situations on both sides. Therefore, the teachers and other professionals recognise there is a great need to increase the quality of professional knowledge and understanding of the target group. Visual impairment is a low incidence disability.

Project objectives

The partner organisations agreed upon the following project objectives:
  • Sharing recent research/literature available in Europe
  • Better understanding of the needs of the target group
  • Discovering models/approaches for professionals/staff to deal with the issues
  • Sharing and exchanging the challenges and (good) practice
  • Improving the staff competences regarding the treatment of behavioural problems of pupils and students with VI/MDVI (knowledge, skills, attitude)
  • Adoption of the strategies shared
  • Implementing new knowledge, skills
  • Reducing the stress level of the professional
  • Better achievements of pupils and students with VI/MDVI with behavioural problems

Staff exchanges

There will be four staff exchanges, each preceded and followed up by a range of activities. Every exchange will be focused on one behavioural issue.
Topics of the four exchanges/trainings events:
  1. Introduction to three methodologies developed in the Netherlands.
  2. Aggression/Self-inflicted injuries
  3. Behavioural problems related to autism
  4. Transition processes and the relation to difficult behaviour

Partners in the project

Budapest School for the Blind, Hongary
Jordanstown School, Northern Ireland
SWW, Germany
Lega del filo d’Oro ONLUS, Italy
Zavod za slepo in slabovidno mladino Ljubljana, Slovenia
Royal Dutch Visio, The Netherlands
The project is made possible by Erasmus+. This programme offers a range of opportunities to access funding for education, training, youth and sport activities.

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